16375 Monterey Road, Unit B, Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Conragan Wellness

Specializing in natural solutions to autoimmunity.

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Discover the life you have always desired.

My integrative nutrition and lifestyle approach can make all the difference.

Over the past 25 years, I’ve helped thousands of clients reach their health goals, whether that’s eliminating headaches, recovering from vertigo, or achieving personal records in athletic achievement. While my practice has focused on chiropractic, I am expanding my services to include nutrition and lifestyle guidance for addressing autoimmune disease. I want to help my clients clear their heads, feel energetic, and build a robust immune system so that they’re not sick all of the time! 

My clients get straightforward, easy-to-follow action steps that remove confusion and allow for rapid progress. They get support in all aspects of the process. I help them use food as their medicine, with supplementation to bridge the gap and catapult their progress. They get a holistic mind, body, and spirit approach.

My desire to help my clients gain control over their autoimmune diseases was sparked by my frustration with my own lifelong autoimmune issues. I suffered from severe asthma and allergies and was tired of taking multiple pills and inhalers that all too often just didn’t work, leaving my head, sinuses and lungs full and making it difficult to breathe. I had constant post nasal drip, and it even became difficult to manage my weight. My immune system was shot and I felt sick all the time.

I desperately wanted to be active and fit, but my body wouldn’t let me. Even worse, my symptoms made it difficult to engage in one of my biggest passions—horses and dressage—because that passion was the very thing that triggered my symptoms.

But I never gave up—and I found a path that helped me accomplish what I never thought was possible. I overcame my asthma and allergies completely! I am no longer taking medication, I can think clearly, and I have ridiculous amounts of energy and vitality. I can do high intensity workouts and ride horses without fear that my body will turn on me. It feels truly liberating, and it is my mission to help my clients achieve the same freedom I did!

Are you confused about how to manage your autoimmune disorder without relying so heavily on your meds? Are you sick of the side effects or lack of efficacy of your current protocols? Are you looking for a better way? I can help.

Regardless of whether you are struggling with exhaustion, brain fog, body pain, weight gain or illness susceptibility, my research-backed strategies are tried and true, and remove the confusion and doubt to achieving your goals.

Does this sound like you?

  • Are you frustrated with the endless cycle of providers who haven’t been able to help with the whole picture?
  • Are you trying so hard to figure out what is happening, only to hit a wall?
  • Have you been told your labs are fine? It’s all in your head? It must be anxiety…

Can you relate to any of these?

  • I’m exhausted.
  • I’ve tried so much, I just can’t get traction.
  • I’m doing everything I’m supposed to be doing and still don’t feel well.

If this is you, then you’re in the right place.

It's not your fault. I want you to know that I have been there too. I’ve struggled with the same setbacks and come up against the same obstacles. And I have a solution!

Here's what I've got for you:

  • Waking up every day, clear-headed
  • Improved immune response
  • Reduced body pain
  • Being able to zip up those jeans
  • Skyrocketing energy
  • Better decision making
  • Feeling robust
  • Normalized digestion
  • Possibly reducing the necessity for medications

I provide personalized and group integrative and functional nutrition coaching with a focus on autoimmune conditions.

I help my clients:

  • Understand their condition
  • Gain the tools and knowledge to take back their vitality
  • Recognize setbacks and fix them with confidence
  • Build a robust immune system break free from the sick/fragile cycle
  • Save time and energy with a personalized roadmap

My 90-Day Jumpstart is a 1:1 intensive program designed to break barriers and quickly gain control of your autoimmune disease. Change is inevitably difficult, and success requires commitment, time, and accountability—three things my program makes a little bit easier.

The program includes:

  • A one-hour deep dive consultation with five (5) 45-minute follow-up sessions
  • Personalized supplement protocol
  • 10% discount on nutraceutical grade supplements
  • Meal plans and recipes
  • Access to food logging with helpful comments from me
  • Private messaging between sessions
  • Educational library
  • Boundless enthusiasm and commitment towards supporting your success 

Are you ready to break free from your autoimmune limitations?

Contact me today and let’s talk about what’s possible.

Review our Health Articles

I will regularly share blog posts and articles related to integrative nutrition and lifestyle, and how they are connected to natural health.

Discover a viewpoint and benefits of an integrative nutrition and lifestyle approach, and how it can help you achieve your health goals.

Conragan Wellness has a proven track record of helping people achieve their wellness goals. Whether it’s weight loss, increased energy, or stress reduction, our products and services have a track record of producing results that speak for themselves.

Check out these helpful articles today and discover the life you have always desired!

By Featured Article 02 Aug, 2018
"The Stress of Life" is a perennial bestseller by Hans Selye, written in 1956. Selye almost single-handedly introduced the notion of stress into the worldwide consciousness. By doing so, Selye changed the way we think about ourselves, our values, and how we conduct our lives. As Selye observed, stress is a double-edged sword. Many types of stress are good for people, both physiologically and personally. For example, Wolff's law states that bone will remodel (build more bone) along lines of mechanical stress. In other words, bone becomes stronger when it is subjected to physical loads. The physiological stress of weight-bearing exercise such as walking, running, and strength training helps prevent osteoporosis by making bone denser and more resilient. From a psychological perspective, the great German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, famously stated in "Twilight of the Idols" (1888), "What does not destroy me, makes me stronger." Apparently, Nietzsche (writing in the 19th century) was far ahead of Selye in pointing to the benefits (and dangers) of stress. Life is filled with "good" stresses. A new love relationship, a new job, or a new baby may all provide great personal happiness and the experience of fulfillment and satisfaction. But each circumstance may also place new demands on us, calling on us to be and do much more than that of which we had previously thought ourselves capable. A person may develop all sorts of adaptive responses in attempts to cope with life's new requirements, but most of these adaptations are themselves stress-producing. Over time the adaptations become habits, stress becomes a day-by-day experience, and a host of physiological and psychological disorders and syndromes may appear.1,2 High blood pressure, diabetes, overweight/obesity, arthritis, insomnia, and depression may all be considered as long-term maladaptive responses to stress.3 Muscular aches and pains, muscle spasms, and headaches are common physiological responses to ongoing stress. A vicious circle develops in which stress leads to muscle tightness, which constricts blood vessels, which leads to headaches, which leads to more muscle tightness, more pain, and even more stress. One's day seems to become filled with stress and stress reactions. The good news is that means of ending these vicious circles of stress are available. Present time consciousness, regular exercise and a healthy diet, sufficient rest, and regular chiropractic care comprise a powerful tool kit for restoring balance in one's life. 1Wu EL, et al: Increased risk of hypertension in patients with major depressive disorder: a population-based study. J Psychosom Res 73(3):169-174, 2012 2Hristova MG: Metabolic syndrome - From the neurotrophic hypothesis to a theory. Med Hypotheses 2013 July 27 [Epub ahead of print] 3Martocchia A, et al: Targets of anti-glucocorticoid therapy for stress-related diseases. Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov 8(1):79-87, 2013

Dr. Nicole Conragan

Dr. Nicole obtained her doctorate from Palmer College of Chiropractic West in 1993. She is an avid dressage rider and loves hiking and camping. She lives in the Bay Area where she practices chiropractic with her husband of more than 25 years. They have two children.

In my practice as a chiropractor, I have had hundreds of hours of nutrition education, only to be frustrated that I didn’t have systems in place to fully support whole transformations. Giving a piece of advice here and there isn’t sufficient, which is why I have created Wellness Solutions. Change occurs systematically, so I have taken the guesswork out and designed systems that are comprehensive, understandable, and more importantly, proven effective.

Specializing in natural solutions to autoimmunity.

 Need help curbing sugar cravings?

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